The music program at Grace Lutheran Church is a rich, vibrant, and integral part of the worship experience.  We have an Adult Choir, including talented soloists and small groups.  On special occasions, instrumentalists augment our worship or we merge with other church choirs and chorales to present major musical works.  Examples include our annual Bach Festival in the Fall and special presentations on Good Friday.  Worship services and special musical events are supported by our amazingly versatile 3-keyboard Rodgers Digital Organ.  In addition to the choir, the music at Grace is complemented by the enthusiastic singing of the congregation.  All of these musical components are masterfully blended by the skill and inspiration of our Music Director, Scott J. Breiner.  Scott blends instrumental and vocal musical talent, people skills, and a Christian attitude into an uplifting adjunct to worship.  His Lutheran heritage and sacred music experience in Manhattan and throughout Southern New Jersey are additional contributing factors Scott brings to a service.  Scott is an integral part of the Worship and Music planning.  We feel we have one of the premier Organist/Director/Tenors in this part of New Jersey.  Scott has been with us since November of 2007 and the music program has blossomed since. 

The Rodgers digital organ was installed in Grace Lutheran's sanctuary in November 2008.  Each organ in the Rodgers Masterpiece Series is created individually with the adaptability to play for any worship style.  Our instrument was designed to contain many of the pipes and sounds from our former pipe organ and has been "voiced" to the unique acoustics of our sanctuary.  This three-manual organ contains 58 stops and 74 ranks in primary specification.  Twelve speakers carry stereophonic sound throughout the Sanctuary and Social Hall.  A variety of orchestral, vocal, and instrumental sounds can be programmed to accompany the pipe organ sound.  In the hands of a talented organist, such as our music director Scott Breiner,  the versatility of this instrument is almost limitless.     
The Adult Choir is led by Music Director Scott Breiner.  This is a SATB Choir.  On Sundays the choir performs an anthem during the Offertory.  Occassionally, other special music (e.g., choir numbers, smaller groups, or solos) is incorporated into the Service.  The choir sings all year for the 10:15 a.m. Service.  On occassion, other choirs and/or choristers join in for special music or concerts.  Choir rehersals are held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to about 8:30 and at 9:45 a.m. immediately after the Adult Forum and before the 10:15 a.m. Worship Service on Sunday mornings.  New members are always welcome!  Contact Scott for further information.